Abortion in Arizona

Legality of abortion

Yes, abortion is currently legal in Arizona. However, there are restrictions on abortion access depending on how far along the pregnancy is.

Current legal status

A new law banning abortion in Arizona was passed in 2022. This law is not currently in effect because it is being challenged in court.

Arizona’s Abortion Laws

24-hour waiting period

Arizona requires a 24-hour waiting period between an initial consultation and getting an abortion. This can be waived if the pregnant person’s health is at risk.

Parental consent for minors

If someone is under 18, they must get permission from a parent or legal guardian to get an abortion. They can seek a judicial bypass to waive this requirement.

Gestational limit of 15 weeks, 6 days

Abortion in Arizona is banned after 15 weeks, 6 days of pregnancy.

Exceptions to the gestational limit
  • To save the life of the pregnant person
  • To protect physical health

Accessing Abortion Care

If you’re under 15 weeks, 6 days

If you are 15 weeks, 6 days pregnant or less, abortion is legal in Arizona. However, many providers stop offering abortions earlier in pregnancy.

Finding a provider

Use online search tools to find a provider offering abortion care. If you need help getting an appointment, call the National Abortion Federation Hotline.

Financial and logistical assistance

Various organizations offer help with covering the costs of abortion care and travel. Make sure to get an appointment scheduled first before applying for financial assistance.

If you’re over 15 weeks, 6 days

You can leave Arizona to get an abortion out of state if you are past 15 weeks, 6 days pregnant. Search for providers in nearby states.

Out-of-state providers

Use online search tools to connect with verified providers in other states that don’t have gestational limits as early as Arizona or have no limits at all.

Recent Legal Changes

Total abortion ban

In 2022, Arizona passed a law completely banning abortion. This law is not currently in effect because it is being challenged in court.

Currently blocked by courts

The total abortion ban is not being enforced right now due to ongoing lawsuits. Abortion is currently legal in Arizona within the gestational limits.

Options for Minors

Parental consent

If you are under 18, you’ll need permission from a parent or guardian to access abortion unless you get a judicial bypass.

Judicial bypass process

This legal process allows minors to waive the consent requirement confidentially through the court system.

Seeking help

Contact advocacy organizations for help navigating the judicial bypass process if needed.

See also  Abortion in New Mexico


Abortion within certain gestational limits remains legal for now in Arizona due to court injunctions blocking more restrictive bans. However, legal challenges continue and people seeking abortions face navigating various restrictions and limitations.


Can I get an abortion after 15 weeks, 6 days in Arizona?

No, abortion is banned in Arizona after 15 weeks, 6 days of pregnancy except for rare exceptions.

Do I need permission from my parents to get an abortion?

If you are under 18, you’ll need parental consent unless you obtain a judicial bypass.

What should I do if I need an abortion but I’m over 15 weeks pregnant?

You can travel out of state to get an abortion. Search for providers in nearby states without gestational limits.

Is abortion still legal in Arizona if I’m under 15 weeks pregnant?

Yes, abortion is currently legal in Arizona if you are 15 weeks, 6 days pregnant or less.

What resources are available if I can’t afford an abortion or travel out of state?

There are various organizations that provide financial and logistical assistance for people seeking abortions. Contact advocacy groups for help accessing resources.

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