Abortion in Hawaii

Overview of Abortion Legality

Yes, abortion is legal in Hawaii

Abortion is legal in the state of Hawaii. State laws allow abortion until a pregnancy reaches the point of fetal viability, which is when a fetus can potentially survive outside the womb with medical intervention. Abortions after viability may also be permitted in certain health-related circumstances.

Restrictions on abortion access

However, Hawaii does impose some restrictions that can limit access to abortion services at certain stages of pregnancy. Many clinics stop performing abortions at 18 or 20 weeks even though abortions remain legal up to viability. Parental consent is not required for minors, but those under 18 may still face barriers.

Accessing Abortion Services

Before viability

No restrictions

If a pregnancy has not yet reached viability as determined by a health provider, an abortion can legally be obtained in Hawaii without restrictions on reasons or requirements for consent, waiting periods or multiple visits.

Many providers limit services early in pregnancy

Though legally allowed before viability, many abortion providers in Hawaii do not offer abortion care beyond 18-20 weeks gestation due to staffing and other facility limitations. Individual clinic gestational limits on abortion services may restrict care even in early pregnancy.

After viability

Allowed for health exceptions

Hawaii law allows abortions past the point of viability only in certain exceptional health circumstances impacting either the life or health of the pregnant patient. A patient must get approval from their provider for a post-viability abortion.

No parental consent required

Minors under 18 do not have to notify or get permission from a parent or guardian to access abortion in Hawaii. While parental involvement laws aim to provide guidance for young patients, they can also delay access to time-sensitive care. Hawaii protects a minor’s ability to independently consent to abortion.

Out-of-state abortion option

Those facing barriers accessing in-state abortion care due to gestational limits or other restrictions do have the option to travel out of state for abortion services as long as time and resources allow. Many states in the region also allow abortion slightly later into pregnancy.

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Finding an Abortion Provider

Use abortion provider search tools

To find a legitimate abortion provider in or out of state, patients can use third party search tools and databases that compile information on NAF-vetted health centers performing abortions.

Contact the National Abortion Federation Hotline

Another option is calling NAF’s referral hotline at 1-800-772-9100 for guidance identifying the abortion providers closest to your location and assistance scheduling appointments.

Financial Assistance Options

Funding sources to cover procedure costs

National groups

National reproductive rights focused organizations like the National Network of Abortion Funds and regional abortion funds can provide financial support to patients struggling to pay costs related to obtaining an abortion procedure.

Hawaii-based groups

Local Hawaii-focused abortion funding groups also assist state residents by offering gas cards, lodging, child care and direct abortion procedure payments on a case by case basis.

Travel, lodging and other non-medical support

In addition to abortion procedure-related costs, assistance paying for travel to and from appointments through gas cards or transport vouchers may be available. Some funds offer help paying for temporary lodging or arranging overnight housing for multi-day procedures.

Hawaii Abortion Laws and Policies

No mandatory waiting period

Hawaii does not impose a state-mandated information session, counseling directive or reflection period through a required waiting period between initial consultation and abortion procedure. Patients do not have to make multiple trips to a provider to access abortion.

No parental involvement required

Minors in Hawaii can independently decide and consent to an abortion without having to inform or obtain permission from a parent or legal guardian first. Parental notification or consent laws have exceptions but still pose barriers.

Legal until fetal viability

Abortion remains legal and can not be prohibited in Hawaii at any point prior to viability, the gestational age which a fetus might survive delivery with extensive medical intervention. Before viability, abortion access is protected.

Determining Fetal Viability

What is fetal viability?

Fetal viability is the developmental point mid-pregnancy at which a fetus might be able to survive birth and continue development with the aid of life support technology if delivered. The timing varies.

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Individual factors impact viability timing

Many patient-specific health circumstances like pregnancy progress, fetal development and medical history help determine when viability happens, so there’s no single standard gestational age definition.

Providers determine viability case-by-case

Given the array of individual health factors involved, the stage at which viability is reached is always determined individually by abortion providers based on exams and medical expertise. There is no blanket viability date cutoff in state law.

Post-Viability Abortions Permitted for Health Reasons

Life endangerment exception

Post-viability abortions are legally allowed if the provider determines continuing the pregnancy poses severe risk to the life and physical health of the pregnant patient by placing them in danger of death or impairment.

Health preservation exception

Abortions after viability may also be approved by a provider if terminating the pregnancy is deemed necessary to prevent irreparable damage to the patient’s mental or psychological health from conditions like traumatic distress.

Recent Legislative Efforts Related to Abortion

Attempts to restrict abortion access

Some Hawaii legislators recently sponsored bills imposing new restrictions on abortion access in the state, though none successfully passed. Attempts aimed to add parental consent rules, gestational age bans, and other barriers.

Support for abortion rights protections

Abortion rights proponents in Hawaii alternatively advocated legislation strengthening protections around abortion access including bills safeguarding the right to abortion care.

Ongoing Abortion Policy Debate

Anti-abortion activism in Hawaii

Activist groups opposed to legal abortion operate in Hawaii through church-funded organizing seeking to end elective abortion through activism and policy change. Some use disturbing imagery and harassment tactics targeting patients and providers.

Reproductive rights advocacy groups active

Hawaii also has active reproductive justice groups organizing marches, rallies and outreach aiming to promote equitable access to reproductive healthcare services including abortion and contraception availability. They work to counter abortion stigma.

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Impact on Individuals Seeking Abortion

Stories from people affected by policies

First-person patient stories showcase the struggles individuals face trying to obtain safe pregnancy termination care including dealing with clinic harassment, navigating restrictivered tape, finding travel funds and facing stigma .

Discussion of costs, barriers faced

Personal costs – financial, emotional and logistical – provide insight on how restricting abortion access creates undue burdens, negatively impacting patient health, finances, work and families.


Abortion remains legal in Hawaii but with increasing barriers that disproportionately impact vulnerable communities and create risks for patients throughout pregnancy. Expanding assistance programs and strengthening legal protections of abortion healthcare services remain pressing needs to ensure care access.


Is abortion completely banned after viability in Hawaii? No. After viability, patients may still qualify legally for abortion care for certain health and life endangerment reasons as determined on an individual patient basis by providers.

Do abortion restrictions impact minor patients? Yes. Though minors don’t need parental consent in Hawaii, limited abortion providers and other access barriers can disproportionately harm adolescent patients who also struggle arranging logistics confidentially.

What abortion restrictions have recently been proposed? Legislation imposing new limits on abortion including gestational age bans, mandatory parental involvement, and elimination of state Medicaid abortion coverage have recently been unsuccessfully introduced but signal future intent.

Are Hawaii abortion laws at risk from federal action? Yes. Though state laws currently protect abortion access, federal advocacy for nationwide restrictions could still threaten Hawaii’s codified rights absent additional policy defenses. State constitutional amendments could offer more permanence.

How can I support equitable abortion access? Contacting local and federal elected officials urging them to oppose abortion restrictions and back legislation expanding reproductive healthcare access allows individuals to directly influence policy. Supporting abortion funds or practical support groups also helps patients facing barriers. Individuals can counter misinformation by sharing accurate abortion facts. Confidential conversations reduce stigma.

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